Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

Business Communication Task 5

Diposting oleh Nakajima Hikari di 07.19
Name : Annisa Nadyastiti
NPM : 11614383
Class : 3SA01
Subject : Business Communication

How technology affects communication positively and negatively?

In my opinion, in positive way, by technology people can communicate easily with each other. For example, I can communicate with my mother who lived in Papua easily by phone compare to send a letter by post office. Beside of that people can communicate to new people from around the world without going to their country. People can also learn about other country directly by having a friend form other country. We can learn about their life in their country, language, food, and many things. 

While on the negative side, people that use technology to communicate will have a problem when he or she communicate directly. Especially when talking in English, people usually reading message without being followed by proper language practice will have difficulties when talking to foreigner. They will get nervous when talk to foreigner. Beside of that, with the existence of technology, some people will be introvert. For example people that used to communicate with their family, when he or she know about technology, he or she will be often see her or his smartphone.

Why listening is such a big challenge for most people? Explain by giving answer!

Because in my opinion, if you don’t listen well to someone who is talking, you will not understand the goal of the communication. That’s because the goal of communication is to send information from sender to receiver. If the receiver didn’t hear it clearly, there will be a miscommunication between them. The receiver may do something different from what sender have said.

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