Selasa, 23 September 2014

Cerpen Real Life

Diposting oleh Nakajima Hikari di 02.32
Hay hey ho…

Maybe this is the officially first time write something here. Since my last post was broken? And I only post it for some certain people hahaha.

Hmm? What should I talk? Ahh, maybe about my experience can be good topic.

Well, as you can see in my profile, I was born in South Sulawesi, Watampone exactly. I was just born in that. Then when I’m around 6th months, my parents bring me to Kuala Kencana, which is my home sweet home.

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When I’m around 3rd years old, my parents sent me to Play Group named YPJ (Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya) in that city. Well, since it’s the only school in that town (there’s international school too but only for foreigner). The time passed and then I went to elementary school which it’s still under YPJ’s management.

I love mathematics when I was little, maybe it’s because my father was accounting once. Everytime when math class start I always get fired up. In 4th grade, everyone should enter extracurricular, I was joined English Club at first. Dunno why, but I really love to studying about English at that time, I always said to my friend English is easier language! And laughing back. Ahh, I really remember when I was on that year, I want to join Math Olympics, and then I got a test for it. Too bad, I didn’t lucky at that time.

Ahh FYI, did everyone know Denias’ Film? They got their shoot in my school! Yep, Ari Sihasale, which is the actor of that film is alumnus from my school. Well, though he didn’t take in my school. Well my school had two place but under same management. The oldest one is in mountain, called Tembagapura. Yep, it’s Freeport’s school. And in 1996, they build school in Kuala Kencana, where I was lived. Okay continue to topic.

Because I didn’t satisfied with my result, I think I will take it again in the next year. When I was in 5th grade, I have my classroom teacher named Mr. Priyono. He is Math teacher which made me more and more love mathematics at that time. And on the other day, he announce that there will be Math Olympics again that year so I really excited to join it. Well why I really badly want to join it? Simple, just want to know how far I understand about math. And then the announcement day has come. Everyone who took the test really nervous. Mr. Pri was telling us the score from the low one until the highest one. At that time, only one think in my mind. Make me passed it, I don’t care my score, I just want to passed it. I see many of my friends passed it, and I began to nervous. When my teacher finally want to say the highest score result, I’m kinda disparate. Can I really pass it? Maybe impossible. I keep it on mind but still positive think that there’s a chance I can passed it. Well, since the 2nd highest one her score was 1600 points and the first one is 2000 points. And finally my teacher announce the winner to continue next test. Can’t really believe it at that time, but I should. I get the first place. I was began to cry and then sujud that I really happy because I can passed it. It’s the first time I feel happy in my whole life. Because I didn’t really sure I can passed it.

The time goes by, I began to study more and more about math. But I love it. And in the end of 5th grade, I was joined Angklung’s Ansamble. It’s because I love music. Thanks to Mr. Robert who teach me music and I began to love it. There’s so much fun when I was in elementary school. Ahh, I remember. Funny things, when I was still in elementary school, my class is always A or B dunno why. Like 1B, 2A, 2B (well dunno why for this, when I was in 2nd semester I moved to B class), 3A, 4B, 5A, and finally 6B. Hahaha.

And then I continued my school in SMP YPJ, still the same school. Well, this is it. When I turned to be 7th grader, all of sudden my school turn into crowded one. Yep, usually in my school, there are only 4 class for 1 generation. But it turned 5 class for that year. I was in 7E class! Hahahah… not really much on this year, but I really miss my computer’s teacher Mr. Fredy, who always kind to me. Oh yeah, when I still in Papua, I had view of friends, well since I was the closed type girl so I didn’t really have much friends. Usually I always talk to my teachers who usually understand me well. Ok back to topic. Ahh yes, when I entered junior highschool or jhs, there’s rolling class which is I can be moved to other class if my score in school bad. But good things, I didn’t get down until I graduate from it. Ahh yes, at that year, my dream and wish finally comes true. I really want to join Marching Band extracurricular since I was playgroup. Because they are so awesome. I was played Marching Bell at that year. Though I really want to be Mayoret in the future. But I really did

When I was in 8th grade, there’s math Olympics too. I was joined at it but failed at it. Lol. Ahh yes, and in this year scout extracurricular will be regular extrac and I MUST join it. Funny things. I always said that I want to absent when the extrac schedule come but finally I’ve never done it and thanks to it ‘ve a chance to go to Jayapura for Jambore Daerah. Really really amazingly fun that time! I’ve lerned everything from scout and I’m proud of it. And yes, since that happened, I’ve been like to camping! Lol…

And finally I jump up to 9th grader. At the beginning of that year, my classroom teacher, Mr. Pras, moved to Tembagapura and get replaced with Mr. Nursalim, whom now he’s the principal of my junior highschool. I called him Papha #rotfl since he was really “father type” that I’ve been waiting for (well that year I’ve kinda not really in good relationship with my own dad). And again Mr. Salim made me very love math until the end of my junior highschool hahahah.

Jump to senior highschool life… errr… well may things happened. The first time I experienced “real” MOS, and KPHO and others. Ahh yes, finally my dreams come true in here. I joined Japan Club! It’s my own dream since junior highschool. Finally ><

In Jakuen or Japan Kurabu Etniez, I’ve learned many things from them. They’re like my second family. They’re so kind to me, especially my best friends. Oh yes, especially Tiara or Chihiro-chan who really helped me until now. Too bad I didn’t get the same univ like her. And others too, like Amel or Kirara-chan whom my first funny friend and really care type girl inside :”. Not to forget about Fidel, Dabbong, and Tami. Those are really my best friend ever. I really really want to say thank yoooouuu very much for always care about me. Sorry I always troubled you guys. I can’t imagine if I didn’t know about you guys so really, thank you sooo much for everything.

About Jakuen, maybe I’ll share full about it in other post since it was too much experience if I wrote it on this post X”D okay back again.

Well, as now I already a colledger, I’ll been busy doing everything later. I already have my Faculty’s PPSPPT (much kinda like ospek) which is helded in September, 20th. Well yeah, maybe this one is kinda late with others univ. But I’ve been waiting for this time since 3-4 months ago.

The preparation for it… well not like others, it’s very simple and I’m glad for it (since I don’t want to bring some kind of things that really annoy me, it’s my wish from child and Allah prove it. Alhamdulillah).

I just need to bring this hehehe.

Well I’ve been start my colledge life from yesterday. Still not really on “studying” since it’s still first week meet with teachers, not really effective. But I’ve been studying grammar every night since I really bad at it. So many tenses when I studied at 9th grade that I’ve forgotten. So I need to study it all over again haha, but it’s fun.

Okaay… maybe enough with this post. Since I’ve just got home from class for today, need to get my lunch first #giggles :D

PS: Actually I want to post this on last Thursday or Friday but since I've been busy with PPSPPT things I can't post it. There you go now #slapped

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