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Line Hadirkan 3 Fitur Ini untuk Pengguna di Indonesia
21 Jun 2016, 20:39 WIB
Line memperkenalkan tiga fitur bagi pengguna di Indonesia, Selasa (21/6/2016). ( Setyo Wardani), Jakarta - Aplikasi pesan instan Line memperkenalkan tiga fitur yang ditujukan untuk melancarkan komunikasi personal maupun pekerja.
Ketiga fitur tersebut adalah Line for PC, Line Group Call, dan Line Today. Ketiganya tergabung dalam kampanye Line for Work Life yang bertujuan untuk memberikan akses ke informasi dan kemudahan dalam bekerja dan berkomunikasi.
Head of Marketing Line Indonesia Galuh Chandrakirana menjelaskan, Line for PC sebenarnya bukan fitur baru pada Line.
"Line for PC sebenarnya bukan fitur baru di Line, hanya saja belum pernah dikomunikasikan. Dengan fitur ini, pengguna yang menggunakan PC bisa tetap berkomunikasi dengan mudah," kata Galuh saat ditemui di acara Line for Work Life di Jakarta, Selasa (21/6/2016).
Dengan Line for PC, pengguna tetap bisa berkirim pesan singkat, membagikan foto, video, dokumen dengan kolega atau rekan bisnis dengan ukuran maksimal 300MB.
"Cara kirim dokumen melalui Line for PC, pengguna hanya tinggal drag and sent. Pengguna juga bisa meng-capture sebagian halaman yang diinginkan dan di edit," katanya.
Galuh menambahkan, Line for PC juga dapat terus berfungsi tanpa perlu terhubung dengan aplikasi Line pada smartphone.
Fitur kedua dan terbaru adalah Line Group Call. Menurut Galuh, fitur ini memungkinkan pengguna melakukan panggilan gratis secara bersama-sama hingga maksimal 200 orang.
"Fitur Group Call ini selain bisa digunakan untuk karyawan juga bisa dipakai oleh sesama keluarga maupun teman-teman," ujarnyai.
Ketiga, kata Galuh, fitur Line Today yang sudah hadir sejak 2 bulan lalu. "Line Today menghadirkan konten-konten berita dari sumber yang terpercaya. Sehingga pengguna bisa tetap up to date dengan berbagai hal," tuturnya.
Sementara itu, PR Director Line Corporation Indonesia Dhyoti R Basuki menambahkan, fitur-fitur Line ini hadir untuk menghubungkan semua orang.

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Line Presents These 3 Features for Users in Indonesia

Agustin Setyo Wardani
21 Jun 2016, 20:39 WIB
Line introduced three features for users in Indonesia, Tuesday (21/06/2016). ( Setyo Wardani), Jakarta - Instant messaging application Line introduces three features aimed at launching personal and worker communications.
The three features are Line for PC, Line Group Call, and Line Today. All three are incorporated in the Line for Work Life campaign that aims to provide access to information and ease in working and communicating.
Head of Marketing Line Galuh Chandrakirana Indonesia explained, Line for PC is actually not a new feature on Line.
"Line for PC is not a new feature in the Line, it's just never communicated," said Galuh when met at Line for Work Life in Jakarta on Tuesday (21/6). / 2016).
With Line for PC, users can still send short messages, share photos, videos, documents with colleagues or business associates with a maximum size of 300MB.
"How to send a document through Line for PC, the user just drag and sent.Users can also capture some of the pages you want and edit," he said.
Galuh adds, Line for PC can also continue to work without the need to connect with the application Line on the smartphone.
The second and latest feature is Line Group Call. According Galuh, this feature allows users to make free calls together up to a maximum of 200 people.
"This Group Call feature can be used for employees also can be used by fellow family and friends," he said.
Third, said Galuh, Line Today feature that has been present since 2 months ago. "Line Today brings news content from a trusted source so that users can stay up to date with things," he said.
Meanwhile, PR Director Line Corporation of Indonesia Dhyoti R Basuki added, Line features are present to connect everyone.

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Line Launched These 3 Features to Users in Indonesia
June 21st, 2016, 20:39 WIB
Line introduced three features for users in Indonesia, Tuesday (21/06/2016). ( Setyo Wardani), Jakarta – Instant messaging application Line introducing their three features to presents personal communication even for employers.
These three features are Line for PC, Line Group Call, and Line Today. Three of them joined on Line for Work Life campaign that the purpose is to give access of information and easier to work and communication.
Head of Marketing Line Indonesia Galuh Chandrakirana explained, Line for PC is actually not a new feature on Line.
"Line for PC is actually not a new feature on Line, it’s just not got published. With this feature, users that use PC still can communicate easily.” said Galuh when he attends Line for Work Life event in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/6/2016).
With Line for PC, users still can chat, share photos, videos, documents in collage or business partners in maximum 300MB of the file.
"To send the document through Line for PC, users only do drag and sent. Users can also capture some pages that they want and edit it.” said Galuh again.
Galuh added, Line for PC can be use without being connected with Line application on smartphone.
Second feature and new is Line Group Call. According to Galuh, on this feature users are able to do free call together until maximum 200 people.
"This Group Call feature can be used for employers and also with friends or even family.” said him.
Third, said Galuh, Line Today feature that already launched since 2 months ago. “Line Today presents news contents from trusted source. So users still can up to date with many things.” said him.
Meanwhile, PR Director Line Corporation Indonesia Dhyoti R Basuki added, these Line features presents to connect everyone.

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