Senin, 06 Oktober 2014

Commercial Script for Softskill Assignment

Diposting oleh Nakajima Hikari di 01.45 0 komentar
Theme : Traffic Rules
Tittle : Driving Rules
Place : Street, Zebra Cross
Crew :
w   Aldrian Jihaddillah
w   Annisa Nadyastiti
w   Arci Pastika Mahardika
w   Astrid Zakirah Pratiwi
w   Muhammad Adam Mubarok
w   Nigel Virgerio
w   Vivi Rohani


One day in a street there’s a man who rode a motorbike that not orderly to traffic rules. He rode his motorbike without using helmet, jacket, gloves, and shoes. He rode his motorbike with high speed without payed attention to traffic rules. When he turn around, he lost his control then he fell down and died.


One day there are 4 of 6 best friends driving without using seat belt called someone in high speed, without payed attention to traffic rules. There was an old man crossing at zebra cross. Because of high speed and call someone he lost control and tried to avoid him and hig a big tree so he died.


In driving, we must pay attention and obey the traffic rules. Maintain the security and comfort of road users also save our live and others.

Video Link:


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